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Geordstoree looks at the bygone history of this part of North East (England).

Why write about the North East? The simple answer is that it has a history that goes back to the days of the Roman Empire and probably a few hundred years later. We also have our share of famous people from all walks of life both living and dead. There are some charming places to visit and things to do and dare I say… stay a while. Oh, and let’s not forget the people who make your visit all that more pleasant.

I Attended state schools (St Peters & Paul’s) and my last 4 years attending St Cuthbert Secondary. In my teenage, years I worked in various jobs around the country returning to the northeast. Further down the line I got the warehouse manager’s post, did that for 25 years plus, Left that, and attended Newcastle Uni and North Tyneside College. (Humanistic Approaches in Counselling). Now Qualified

I don’t have many dislikes apart from people who try to be something they’re not (conveniently forget where their roots are), and I do not suffer fools easily, so I am told. or people who over-talk others. Apart from that, I eat and drink to live, love many forms of music, places of interest, photography, computing, reading (mostly supernatural/horror, James Herbert / Stephen King), and swimming.

I like coffee and it would not be unusual for me not to have at least 2 cups every day. I also enjoy a drink of dark rum, and my appetite for chocolate biscuits has to be kept on a tight rein. I am not prejudiced and keenly interested in the unknown and the road less traveled. There are others but I won’t go into that here.

Many thanks for your visit. I hope you have found something of interest in these pages, and if you have, pass it on and I hope you will come again. Jal Jineseyo. Thank you!