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Jarrow: Grange Road

Grange Road was mainly a shopping area with few residential houses to the west. This photograph looks like it was taken on a wet miserable day.

When this part of Grange Road, close to the junction of Market Square and Monkton Road was demolished in the 1960s some traders found new premises in other parts of the town.
The likes of George Nurse pictured below relocated to High Street, a short walk, some half-mile from this location. However, if you visit High Street today you will no longer find his shop over time High Street has evolved into new modern homes with no sign of his shop.

Old Grange Road

The picture below is what it looks like today some 50+ years later. Smart new council housing was erected a few years after the old Grange Road buildings were demolished in 1963. Maisonette-style housing would be later renovated in the 1980s. Years later the maisonettes were demolished. It appears no one wanted to live in them because of the style they had been built in with interconnecting walkways that no longer appealed to council house tenants.

Relevant to post. Council Housing
Maisonette-style housing would be later renovated in the 1980s before demolishing
Grange Road {as it is today}

Today 2024 has seen a big change in the town center. The demolition of the maisonette housing has been replaced by 21st-century quality town housing offering easy access to shops and amenities.